During the week, at a Board of Management meeting in a local school, held outdoors, we spotted the ‘fruit and vegetable’ bed where the boys and girls had been busy tending to their plants. I couldn’t resist having a look, and then taking and eating a strawberry! Oh my goodness it was so juicy, sweet, succulent, and squidgy and it tasted very nice, a pure strawberry flavour that dropped me right back into memories of summers past. Does anything mark the end of the exams, the school year and the promise of freedom more than a home grown strawberry!
So, well done to all the children, teachers and school staff who have successfully brought this very demanding school year to a close. You have all been through uncharted waters and have coped with so many restrictions to how schools function. Since the boys and girls came back to class earlier in the year, every school day has been accompanied by the sound of laughter and joy from the playground, lifting our spirits and giving us hope. So well done to one and all, and hopefully the sun will shine during the holidays and everyone will have a great rest. Perhaps when we return in the autumn something like normality will be back in our lives.