Still time to sign the petition … https://thecatholicpetition.org/
Please see attached the Autumn 2021 edition of Eco-Congregation Ireland newsletter. Featured in the Climate Justice Candle section is St.LAURENCE, Kilmacud. The CHURCH OF ST.THERESE is featured in the Season of Creation section, where their recent “CREATION HOUR”…
During this Season of Creation, Pope Francis is inviting everyone to pray for “an environmentally sustainable lifestyle”. Pope Francis urges us to take the opportunity to reflect on “the way we eat, consume, travel, or the way we use water,…
“One possible next step for communities and parishes might be to consider signing the ‘Healthy Planet—Healthy People’ petition. Endorsed by the Holy See, this petition, aimed at the UN Climate Conference (Cop 26), advocates for an agreement that limits warming to…
Archbishop Farrell’s Pastoral Letter: The Cry of the Earth—The Cry of the Poor At this time every person on our planet is confronted with two interconnected crises: the coronavirus pandemic and the ecological crisis. Both define our age. Both require…
With the blessing of Eco-Congregation Ireland, Kilmacud Parish has been invited to host the Climate Justice Candle during the Season of Creation. The candle is travelling from parish to parish in Ireland and is a wonderful symbol that unites us all as we reflect on…